so that the treatment showered upon you is deserved
have you ever been in a situation
when your world became a desert
you did what you felt you could do
you selfishly took the lesser path to protect yourself
but in the end you still caused hurt
you thought others wouldn't bother to know
but in the end it seems all eyes rest upon you
and you know now all eyes rest upon you
so that their new perception of the terrible you is deserved
have you ever been in a situation
when the person you thought the world of has made a choice
and finally your sacrifices, efforts, prayers and endurance have come full circle, to the zero that you deserve
i have.
wildcardChucky's brain blurted out on 11:45 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
This song is dedicated to all of you pals, great friends and sporting singers who really made 18 Jan 2008, Friday night a memorably hilarious, heartwarming, relaxing and carefree night to remember....
Keith Yik Hui Toon Daphne Xiaohan Shaun Joe
We should do this more often!
Sorry for the poor quality of my phone's camera! =) Consider these pics as abstract works then heh.
On a Wednesday afternoon, after a day of boring lectures, canteen antics, a rushed lunch at Ghim Moh, we come together at these courts, ready to be whipped into shape; eager for the adrenaline rush to engulf us, propel us to hit harder, to think craftily through each point...
Before we enter the courts, this path greets us. It sees "us" every year, different as individuals but yet the same in spirit and name. It is our faithful audience at each training, watching from the sides; and supporting our tired feet at the end of the day.
We enter, we place our bags at the side. We will come to cherish our corner - where we greet friends, partners, guests. Our corner is where we sit down, relax, chat, take a drink; and are rejuvenated.
We can be all business on court; or we can let down our hair and just "be". The moss and leaves join in the play too.
The final physical is always tiring, but the most rewarding. In suffering together, we bond and strengthen our camaraderie. The whistle blows are lost in the whistling of air past our ears. The muscle fatigue is numbed, even reversed, as we watch our friends repeat our drills.
We know that when the chase is good and done, a place of rest is always nearby.
(Can't put a pic of the canteen here cuz the current canteen looks disgusting wiith the change of colour)
wildcardChucky's brain blurted out on 1:29 AM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
wildcardChucky's brain blurted out on 2:45 AM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Khian Hao and Stella's Rite of Election
04 March 2006 St Joseph's Church 2pm
Khian Hao (soon to be Matthew) and Stella celebrated their rite of election, along with 50+ others from Christ the King parish. They were among the 450 elect from the North and West District churches.
The mass was celebrated by Archie, Fr Johnson and another priest unknown to me. There was a lot of anticipation and joy in the atmosphere; and the congregation was very responsive - notably when individual parishes were named and catechumens asked to stand - spontaneous applause and cheering filled the church like the well-timed ringing of the church bell. There was a great sense of pride, especially for those who had journeyed so long (St Anthony's RCIA journey is 24 months!). (Father) Valerian was there to present those from Holy Cross, and so was Father Chris (master of ceremony). I was reminded again of the great enthusiasm and enterprise of converts to our faith, and reflected on how much we cradle cats take our faith for granted.
Earlier this year, Khian Hao surprised me by asking me to be his godfather for his baptism into the Catholic faith. We have known each other since Sec 1 - thats way back in 1992 (!). Sec 1D RI - and kept in contact through the years via mahjong games, hanging out at Mingling's ice cream parlour and other gatherings. Typically, most of our classmates would have taken the protestant christian route to conversion, especially during JC, Army and Uni days. So it came as a edifying sign from God when Khian Hao shared about his experience of Catholic mass in the States while he was studying in Stanford. It was in Stanford where he met Stella, and God worked through her to bring him to our faith. To top it off, we also have another classmate, Chai Nam, who has been attending mass at St Francis Xavier.
In the early morning light, through the quiet of the night I will lift my voice and praise your name O God of all
God's hand is moving in the world, everyday lives are being changed New doors are opened New opportunities to reach to the Divine appear I just pray that I can recognise them when they come =)
wildcardChucky's brain blurted out on 5:23 PM
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Leslie, YC, Mong (front) Moi, Anand, Leech (back) After a sumptuous buffet at Meritus Mandarin....
wildcardChucky's brain blurted out on 11:59 PM
Friday, December 30, 2005
A tribute to the girls of my clinical grp (hehe)
you need girls in your CG for many reasons.... 1. they double up as chaperons 2. they bring all possible textbooks (except Hong'ai who IS the textbook) 3. they have that knack for persuading patients to let us clerk them again even if its the end of the day and they have been interviewed a billion times by pesky medical students 4. they bring that motherly or human touch to the whole experience with the patients 5. they are hilarious to work with 6. they are damn smart
Hanying was initially remembered for her irresistible urge to keep repeating the same question to the patients... or repeating the question posed to her by our tutors. Of course for the latter, with the skilled flutter of her eye lashes, a tutor's impatience is quickly changed to eager forgiveness. In recent times, she was single-handedly responsible for the discovery of the sasha breast reflex - whereby a bicep jerk can now be elicited (or attempted to be elicited) with the well timed stroke of the tendon tapper onto a woman's pendulous breast. the subject should be an elderly chinese lady who doesn't speak Hokkien and is pretty much contented with life. studies have shown that one has to tap at least 20 times on each side for the desired effect.
Irene, the one with the great voice and musical talent. The 9th tallest person in the group (with Youyi a close 8th) but the 3rd tallest girl in the group. Also the 6th tallest girl amongst the 2 sister CGs and the 17th tallest person among the 2 sister CGs. haha no lah, Irene's the organiser of events - birthday parties; and the buyer of presents (except her own birthday present).
Linxin- hails from a family of doctors. As such, her medical student white coat is not just any ordinary white coat. It can house, and I mean house, a portable x-ray machine, an ECG machine, Harrison's, and sometimes when she feels like it, an ultrasound scan machine. For a girl, her handwriting is atrocious... perhaps only understood by her and her fellow blue bloods. Really, it borders on Tamil or Arabic.
wildcardChucky's brain blurted out on 2:22 PM
the brain.....
Chucky Leong
lowkun with a hx/o
- NVD 230979
- Good Shepherd Kindergarten
- Maris Stella Pri Kindergarten
- Maris Stella Pri '86-91 1B-6B
- Raffles Institution '92-95 1D,2D,3C,4C
- RI Tennis '92-95 - Silver,Silver,Silver,Bronze
- Raffles Voices '92-93
- Raffles Junior College '96-97 1S03C,2S03C
- Ms Ho Poh Fun's class
- RJC Tennis '96-97 - Gold,Gold
- SAF 3SIR/ SAFSA Tennis '98-00
- NUS Medicine '00-05
- NUS Tennis '00-05
- Genesis II Choir '94-present
who now presents with multiple addictions to:
- blog
- Genesis IIChoir
/ Holy Fam!
- mugging
- slacking
- tennis